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Promoting equitable, culturally appropriate and affordable oral health care for everyone living in the United States

Our Purpose

Our mission is to support and promote evidence-informed policy and practices that will eliminate inequities in oral health. Examples of such policies and practices include community water fluoridation, the use of dental sealants and silver diamine fluoride, the inclusion of fully funded comprehensive oral health benefits in Medicare and Medicaid, and the addition of dental therapists to the oral healthcare provider team.

Our Board Members

Terry Batliner, DDS, MBA
Rachael Hogan, DDS
Todd Hartsfield
Ronald Romero, DDS, MPH

Who We Are

We are a coalition of dentists and other like-minded individuals, with extensive experience in oral health policy, dental public health, oral health research, and dental education…. who are relentlessly working for universal oral health care.

What We Believe

Every resident of the United States has a right to equitable culturally appropriate oral health care.

Position Statements

Read our latest position statements:


Our Vision

The American health care system will one day provide equitable opportunity for all persons to attain optimal medical, oral, mental, vision and hearing health status.


Help NCDHE spread the awareness of dental therapy and dental health equity.

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NCDHE joins Community Catalyst and the National Indian Health Board Tribal Oral Health Initiative as a Co-Sponsor of the National Partnership for Dental Therapy, a partnership dedicated to elevating the visibility and broad, multi-sectorial support for dental therapy.
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